Friday, April 29, 2011


Immigration, what is it and who are the people setting the laws? This is a growing problem with a group of people, who have trouble finding a sustainable ways of life. Therefore, they pick up a set out for new opportunities. Immigration is not a bad thing, but it does need to be regulated. Without the regulation, there is mass chaos, with the destruction on both sides of the boarders. For example in the Californians for Population Stabilization, article which demonstrates the controversy caused by the illegal immigration. What the immigrants need is the help to fix the problems causing the unsustainable ways of life in their own country. It is very detrimental to a countries economy when there is a flood of illegals, earning money in one country just to send it to another one. There has to be a reinvestment back into the economy to regulate the sustainability of it.

People can blame it on whatever they want to but it all comes down to finding a way to make an unsustainable way of life more sustainable. This is well stated in the nation geographic article of Global warming means More Mexican Immigration. The indirect factor that affects us is the increased carbon footprint contributing to negative environmental impact. Population growth we are experiencing through unconstrained immigration. Through these issues, this will bring light to the problems that need to be addressed. The part of the article to focus on is the section on U.S should help Mexicans Adapt to Warming:

“If the U.S. and other developed nations start thinking about climate change related immigration now, before it becomes a major problem, they could take steps that would help reduce the amount of immigration in the first place”

“The U.S. could make it easier for Mexican crops to reach U.S. markets,”

This is all going back to Market Imperialism and the hijacking the market. Shiva describes some measures on how to address these issues.

“The central concern of citizens’ movements, north and south, is creating democratic control over the food system to ensure sustainable and safe production and equitable distributions and access to food. Democratic control over food requires the reining in of the unaccountable power of corporations. It involves replacing the “free trade” order of corporate totalitarianism with an ecological and just system of food production and distribution, in which the earth is protected, farmers are protected, and consumers are protected.”(p.117)

This is a good quote to help expand on gibbs views on not just throwing the illeagles out but to find the root to the problem of why these people are flooding to another country. You think about it, it is crazy so many peole dream about an awesome vacation to Mexico. Beautiful land with tropical climates, and wonder why the Mexican whould what to leave in the first place. It is all the unjust that are not know to us. Gibbs states

“rules and custions by which nations and peoples manage the fundamentally political challenge of complementing ythe benefits of the global market with collective management of the problems, including persistent and unjust inequality, the global markets alnoe will not resolve. Unfortunately, the world’s growing environmental problems not only exacerbate injustice and inequity, they also pose significant challenges to governance and problem solving which the world now so desperately needs.”(p.62)

Immigration is related to the Gibbs readings with the migration, justice and the environmental challenges. These are the direct and indirect factors lead to migration, Gibbs stated;

“Biodiversity-rich frontier zones are often viewed as open access land systems where land and resources are free for the taking and migrants can accelerate agricultural clearing, habitat destruction, loss of ecological connectivity, and biodiversity loss. Migration may also threaten long-standing residents; Migrants in biodiversity-rich frontier settings may use land and natural resources unsustainably, introduce exotic and invasive plant and other species, and crowd out local residents. A rapid influx of migrants can alter local politics and weaken the social bonds of reciprocity and trust often required for land and resources management.”(p.60)

Immigration has its main drivers, caused by the globalization of different markets controlled by the developed countries. This makes it extremely hard for the local farmer and indigenous people to survive in the developing ones. The direct drivers are caused from their government and large corporations. However, the lack of nation pride to stand up to the individuals and groups who are doing the injustices. The indirect drivers that contribute to immigration are diminishing resources, food production being forced farther from population centers, overpopulation, congestion, urban sprawl, crumbling infrastructure, vanishing farmland and green space, depressed wages, water and energy shortages, crime, and pollution.

In the end, it is all an issue of who is to establish the boarders. What gives them the right to do so? Does unregulated immigration contribute to global warming? We need to step back and realize that we are all immigrants in one way or another, but we still must respect the humanistic law that is established for the greater good of the people.

Beyond the Boarder - Immigration Issue

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